Friday, 9 October 2009

Julmust - time to stock up

Happened to be passing by IKEA on this Wednesday just passed, and noticed that they've brought out not juts the Xmas ornaments but also the food in the food court. Time to stock up on julmust!

Julmust is an old, classic softdrink that keeps outselling Coca-Cola around Xmas time in Sweden. It's bubbly and brown and you might make the mistake in thinking it'll taste like Coke/Pepsi. It doesn't. (I made that mistake the first time I ever tried Dr. Pepper: "it looks like Coke, so it must taste like it" really didn't.) In fact, it has more to do with beer than with anything else, but it doesn't taste of beer either.

Here's what's in it: Carbonated water, sugar, glucose-fructose syrup, food colouring (E150C), aroma (from hops and barley malt, etc.), acidity regulator: citric acid, spice extracts, preservatives E211.

IKEA sell it in 50 cl (0.5 l, i.e about a pint) bottles every Xmas, although they sometimes run out the closer it gets. Probably a lot to do with ex-pat Swedes who think of IKEA's food court as a good (if very limited) source of things from back home. Things you can't get anywhere else, and that's essential if you're celebrating a Swedish Xmas. Such as julmust. The kind they sell is "Nygårda" from Spendrups. (Personally, it's second best. The best one is made by Apotekarnes, but stay clear of the diet/light versions of any brand... they have no depth of flavour!)

The drink was invented in 1910 as an alcohol free alternative to beer, but it would be fairly pointless to just repeat what it says on Wikipedia, when you can just go straight there and read - so if you want to learn more about it, here's a place to go: Wikipedia: Julmust.

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